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A Transformative Exposure Visit Organized for CwDs and Their Mothers to Iyakachchi - Reecha, to Enhance Learning and Inclusion

By Caritas Vanni Oct 05 2024 Tour

On 05.10.2024, an exposure visit was organized for the Children with Disabilities (CwDs) and their mothers from Poonakary, Kandawalai, and Paranthan. The group arrived at St. Antony's Church at 9:45 a.m., where they were welcomed, and breakfast was provided to all participants. At 10:25 a.m., they proceeded to the Iyakachchi Reecha Organic Farm, and tickets were arranged for all those who joined the visit. The farm provided an engaging environment with various games and activities; other children and their caretakers also participated. After enjoying the activities, refreshments were served to the group.

At 1:45 p.m., the participants visited the Caritas Hudec Vanni office, where lunch and ice cream were served. Following this, fun programs were conducted, providing an opportunity for the CwDs and their families to bond and socialize. The objective of the visit was explained in detail, emphasizing social inclusion and the importance of strengthening the bond of friendship. Safety and health restrictions were also communicated to ensure a smooth and secure experience.

During the visit, participants explored religious places and learned about organic farming. At the Reecha Organic Farm, detailed explanations were given on how to organize activities that empower CwDs to lead meaningful lives, alongside discussions on the roles of parents in supporting their children. Finally, the group visited the Caritas Hudec Vanni office, where participants shared their experiences from the trip.

The CwDs expressed great joy in visiting new places and socializing with others. The parents gained valuable insights into their roles in supporting their children and expressed a desire to provide better opportunities for them. At 3:30 p.m., the group began their journey back to their respective homeplaces, marking the end of a successful and enriching day.

"The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart." – Helen Keller
